We live in a world where different realities coexist. For Galicia this is not the exception. 

From the first day we have focused on people first, professionals second, as both individuals and as a group. We have centred our attention on being specialists with a multi disciplinary outlook.

Over time, we have become one of the best firms in the Mexican legal sector, thanks to our disruptive mentality and our practice based on diversity and, consequently, true collaboration.

We have given the best of us for 30 years knowing how to balance multiple realities while achieving the best for our clients, for society, and for ourselves too.

Our human sensitivity has been our seal of quality

Since our foundation we have invested in people first, over and above their professional qualities. We believe that our overall wellbeing is essential for achieving success and, above all, for the quality of solutions and agreements that we devise for our clients.

We have collaborated embracing diversity, strengthening us in the process

We have embraced the diversity of expressions, personalities, talents and abilities, and have known how to bring them together to collaborate in the best possible way, as a multidisciplinary firm working for clients and society, as well as ourselves.

A disruptive mentality has always propelled us forward

Since the beginning we have always thought differently, spoken up with courage and done what no one else has done without the Galicia genes. However, it’s not about disrupting just to disagree, rather it’s about innovating to be even better.

This disruptive mentality not only distinguishes us but also shows us the way forward.