IBA Mexico 2024 HUB - Menu

Safety Tips
To keep in mind

There are thousands of welcoming neighborhoods and fascinating places for you to enjoy your stay during IBA Mexico 2024.

Your visit should be an enriching experience, so we want to share general safety recommendations for your consideration:

  1. Before arriving, check with your mobile phone provider for roaming packages. Mexico City has more than 31,000 free Wi-Fi key points, but you may need data access.

  1. Use the ATMs during the day and, preferably, go accompanied. Most hotels have ATMs in their facilities or very close to them.
  2. Take an identity document with you or, better yet, a copy of your passport.
  3. Always use taxis from your hotel and be careful when walking at night. Although there are many parts of the city that stay open late, it's best to avoid out-of-the-way areas and areas you don't know well.
  4. Always opt for safe modes of transportation from hotels and the Citibanamex Center (IBA Mexico headquarters), such as UBER or transportation arranged by your hotel.

  1. Do not accept rides from unknown people who offer to take you to your hotel or another point of the city. For example, if you make a new friend in a restaurant, we do not recommend accepting that he/she take you in their car to another place – even if you spent a great time together.
  2. Do not walk with your headphones in to ensure sharp situational awareness.
  3. Be very careful when crossing the streets. Although the city has progressed in terms of mobility and expansion of pedestrian access, some crossings can be dangerous.
  4. Make sure you leave your hotel with 100% battery charge on your cell phone and take a wireless charger with you just in case your phone dies while you are out.